
The Promised One

What Jesus’ genealogy reveals about His character- Snapshots of grace in the Christmas story … Chances are, when you are meditating on the birth of Jesus this Christmas season, you are not spending a ton of time perusing the list…

person standing near herd of lambs

6 Reasons Why Membership Matters

By Kevin DeYoung | May 14 2015 “Why bother with church membership?” I’ve been asked the question before. Sometimes it’s said with genuine curiosity-“So explain to me what membership is all about.” Other times it’s said with a tinge of…

Christian Education

Solomon wrote, “Of making many books there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh” (Ecclesiastes 12:12). Any student who has pulled an all-nighter, crammed for a test, memorized an equation, or pored over a textbook…

person holding white and red box

The Certain Success of Evangelism

By W. G. T. Shedd | Inasmuch as each and every disciple of Christ is bound to contribute his share towards the evangelization of the globe, it becomes an interesting and important question, “Is the work feasible?” May it not…

purple yellow and black butterfly illustration

Making Sense of Christian Denominations

If all Christians believe and accept the same truth, why are there various denominations? There is a very good and important reason why we now have so many different Christian denominations. Up until the early sixteenth century the Roman Catholic…

…Raise My Ebenezer…

By Bob Prichard | It is very important that we think about what we sing in our worship to God if we want to be pleasing to Him. God commanded singing as worship, and not entertainment. Paul taught, Let the…